LINK467">1 High Efficiency:
RTM MAPP torch employs industry-leading technical spiralflowflames , combining with ourRTMAPP gas orMAP-PROand so on, it reachesthe requiredwelding operationstemperature(about to1350 ℃) in a very short time inoxygen-freeconditions,and thattemperature meetsmost of metals’ brazingweldingneeds.Comparing with thetraditionaloxygen-acetylenewelding, it is particularly suitable forweldingnon-ferrous metalsandalloys,thinsmallparts, and low melting pointmaterials as it heats uniformly and relatively slowly, therefore theweldtimeand weld quality were significantlyimproved.Due to itslargerheat area and relativelysoft flame, it is good at application of flame correction and local heating which the traditionalweldingprocessescannot made.
In theweldingprocess of non-ferrous metal, whether adopting fusion weldingor low-temperaturebrazing, solderin order to avoidthe loss ofitsform oftenusessocketconnectorassemblymethod. and it is oftendifficult to detectwelding defects, and forms potentialequipmentproblems due to the relativelydeepsocket, Takealuminumwelding for example, since the aluminumisveryreactive metal, especially in theweldingprocessunderhigh temperatureit is easily become oxygenaffinity and forms aluminum oxide(alumina orover) on the surfaceof themolten pool.Traditionalwelding method often in oxygencombustion, and due tothe presence ofexcessoxygen, it results inwelded jointswithin thepores,slagand otherdefects inevitably. When usingRTM MAPP torch, the gas ejectedfrom thebarrel which 78%nitrogenbecomesprotectivegas duringwelding process, to effectively preventthe intrusion ofoxygenaroundthe weld. In addition, carbon monoxidegasin theweld surfacecaneffectively deoxidizehigh-temperatureoxidationmetals, thereby toimprovethe weldquality effectively.
2 Almightiness:
RTM torch’s flame intensity adjustment feature allows you to choose a stable flame temperature to adapt to the different requirements of brazing metal. It is helpful to avoid the defects (such as local over-heating in thin tube, over-oxidation) due to the high temperature in the core flame. This cannot be achieved by traditional process of oxygen flue. RTM torch has a wide flame intensity adjustment range, to avoid the solder outflow, and Solder Skips caused by instable temperature. It significantly reduces the probability of pores, slag, welding cracks defects, and ensures the welding quality. Meanwhile, it has many kinds of torch tips such as electronic ignition, single tube, double pipe and other torch tip to meet your various needs.
3 Convenience:
RTM MAPP torchensures the weldingefficiency, whileit alsoemphasizes onthe flexibility andportability in theusage. Thecleverdesigned tipcan be rotated360 °, make it possible to be used ina variety of environments that bring you withunprecedentedconvenience which you never experienced before.At the same time, RTMMAPP torchand its matching accessories aredesigned to becompact, portable and easy to take, versatility, and withoutthe constraints ofconnecting to thegunhose (such as oxygen tube, combustiblegastube) during usage, therefore they are particularly suitablein complex operations environments, and wild used in the mechanical and electrical, chemical, equipment maintenanceand other areas(such asrefrigerationmaintenance,field operations, machinery, construction and installation, dispersedflowcharacteristicsof the construction). Now youcan say farewell tothe traditionalbulkyweldingtools. Withour Smart designed RTMAPPgas, you onlyneed a smalltoolbox to put afull set ofwelding tools. Not only let you reducetheuse of cost, but also bring youmoreconvenience, morecomfort, more advancedweldingexperience.
4 Safety:
With industry-leading four-foldsafety interlockdesign, RTM MAPP torch gets rid ofvarious misoperational trouble for you, and minimizes the risk ofmisoperation ofunskilled users(this configuration depending on the specificgunmodel). Meanwhile, theadvanced anti-tempering technology minimizes the risk oftempering, and make you don’t worry about the tempering problem during usage.RTMalso has unique advantages that other traditionaltorchoxygen-acetylenegas weldingdo not have--That is the residualgas of RTMAPPgaswhich does not burn completelyin the firstperiod,willcombustwith oxygen inambient air and produces carbon dioxide in theouter flame, which can effectively avoidingcarbon monoxide poisoningoccurred duringweldingoccurs, to the greatest degree of protectionto your security. At the same time, the intuitive and detailed safetymanual is attached. Yoursafeused is the primary principle during the design ofproducts.